Robber Fly 9/28

Hello, my name is Roger. I am a Robber fly, also known as the bee killer. I get this name because bees are one of my primary food sources. I use my spiny legs to catch them and hold them in place as I suck out their bodily fluids. I also prey on true bugs and certain kinds of beetles. The females of my species lay their eggs on or in vegetation and the larvae, which live underground eat the larvae of May Beetles. We, as Robber Flies share the same three year life cycle as the May Beetles since … Continue reading Robber Fly 9/28

Luminescent Click Beetle 9/17

Hello. My name is Jerry. I’m a Luminescent Click Beetle. I live from Arizona, east to Georgia and south into Mexico. Last night, I was flying through the night sky when I noticed a light coming from a building. I was immediately interested and I flew over to check it out. As I was hovering around near the light, some humans took interest in the luminescent trail that I make when I fly through the night. These lights are produced from a special organ on the base of my abdomen. Anyway, some kids started following the trail that I left, … Continue reading Luminescent Click Beetle 9/17

Ebony Jewelwing 9/10

Hi, I am Fred and I am an Ebony Jewelwing. I am the only black winged damselfly, and I live from southern Manitoba, east to Nova Scotia and south to Texas and Florida. Today I spent my time at my home near Elk Lake. I am very excited because I finally found a female that was willing to be my mate. I spent the day guarding her and fighting off other males as she laid her eggs. It was a very tiring day. Most of the battles involved me slowly circling another male as we faced off against each other. … Continue reading Ebony Jewelwing 9/10