Spaghetti towers 5/31

On Tuesday in science we worked on an interesting form of a balancing act. The idea was that when split up into groups of two or three, we could design a tower or building that was made out of fifty spaghetti noodles and a meter of tape. Each structure was supposed to hold at least one science textbook five centimeters off the ground. My group had the idea to use triangles, but my friend Zach’s group used the idea of making a giant lincoln-log style tower and it held nine textbooks. We thought triangles would be the most logical choice … Continue reading Spaghetti towers 5/31

Experiments with straws 2/1

On June first in Science, Shane had us do an experiment involving gravity, the movement of particles, and air pressure. The experiment that we had to do was find out what happens when you drink out of a straw. You might just think that you breathe in and that’s it but it is a lot more complex than that. First we were supposed to spend ten minutes creating a plan for what we think happens when we drink out of a straw. Then we all came together, shared our ideas, and learned about what actually happens when you drink out … Continue reading Experiments with straws 2/1